Youth Club in Suffolk provides safe space for young people to avoid gang involvement
In a world where young people face so many challenges and pressures, it’s important to provide them with safe spaces where they can hang out, socialize, and connect with their peers. This is exactly what charity Phoebe is doing in Ipswich, by launching a Friday evening youth club for black and ethnic minority groups.
The youth club, which caters to young people aged 14 to 21, offers a positive alternative to negative activities, such as getting involved in gangs or drugs. With around 20 young people attending each session, they are able to socialize, take part in discussions, and enjoy a meal cooked by volunteers and staff.
One of the members, Ismael, 16, highlighted the importance of making good decisions and not succumbing to the pressures of drug gangs. He understands the risks and knows that by choosing to spend his time at the youth club, he is making a positive choice for his future.
Wilson, 17, also shared his thoughts on the club, describing it as loud, fun, and better than just hanging around town. The youth club provides a sense of community and belonging, something that is crucial for young people, especially those from diverse backgrounds.
CEO Mollin Delve founded Phoebe after arriving in Suffolk from Zimbabwe in 2002. She recognized the need to provide support and empowerment to young people, particularly those from African countries, who may face unique challenges in a new environment. By offering activities like day trips to Alton Water or Felixstowe beach, the youth club not only provides a diversion but also helps boost mental health and provide a day away from trouble.
It’s heartening to see organizations like Phoebe stepping up to support young people and provide them with the tools they need to make positive choices and build a better future for themselves. The youth club is truly making a difference in the lives of these young people, offering them a sense of community and belonging that is invaluable.