Development of RoboFabric: A New Era in Wearable Active Fabric for Medical Devices and Soft Robotics
In a recent breakthrough, scientists at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore), have developed a cutting-edge technology known as RoboFabric. This innovative wearable fabric is flexible but can stiffen on demand, making it ideal for a variety of applications including medical devices and soft robotics.
The development of RoboFabric involves a combination of geometric design, 3D printing, and robotic control. Inspired by the interlocking scales of pangolins and armadillos, the fabric consists of 3D-printed tiles that are joined together by metal fibers running through tiny channels between them. When these fibers are contracted, the tiles interlock and stiffen, significantly increasing the rigidity of RoboFabric.
The versatility of this technology is exemplified in the creation of joint supports such as an elbow support and a wrist support prototype. These supports can assist with carrying heavier loads, stabilizing joints for daily activities, and benefiting patients with conditions like Parkinson’s Disease. The customizable nature of RoboFabric allows for a tailored fit through a 3D scan and automated design process.
Lead scientist, Nanyang Assistant Professor Wang Yifan, highlights the potential impact of RoboFabric in rehabilitation medicine, offering support for joint injuries, motor weakness, and movement disorders. Additionally, the technology can be applied in robotics, as demonstrated by a small robot and robotic gripper that can transition between stiff and soft states on demand.
Collaborations with industry partners are underway to explore deployment trials in healthcare and robotics sectors, showcasing the versatility and practical applications of this made-in-Singapore technology.
This groundbreaking development opens up new possibilities for medical support, robotic applications, and exploration scenarios, demonstrating the potential of active fabrics with controllable stiffness in enhancing functionality and performance across various fields.
Overall, the development of RoboFabric represents a significant advancement in wearable technology, offering a versatile and adaptable solution for a wide range of applications, from medical devices to soft robotics, and paving the way for future innovations in the field.